History of the Board


For many decades and on a worldwide scale, there were airline directors' "Unions” functioning in each country on an IATA initiative. These were formed under the generic title "Board of Airlines Representatives" or BAR for short.  However these "Unions” were informal bodies lacking legal substance while their capabilities and activities were usually exhausted in social or coordination levels amongst airport authorities, CAA and IATA; they never had decisive interventionist presence.


With the profound changes made on an International and European level, the European markets release, the establishment of strict rules of competition and of Airlines' operations as well as the continuous modernization of airports, arose the need for legal representation of the airlines at their country of activity.


Thus, in all European countries a legitimate Board (BAR) now operates, according to each country's laws.


Aim of the Board


The aim of our Board, which now operates as an Association under an elected board of Directors, is the representation, promotion, development and protection of common interests of its members in Greece:

  • The cooperation with all Airlines, CAA, IATA, El. Venizelos airport and all Greek airports, as well as corresponding unions in Europe.
  • The cooperation and communication with other transport and travel bodies, as well as the Ministries involved.


Posistion and Goals of the Board

Our goal is to document and highlight problems faced by Airlines in Greece.

  • To fully apply European directives on air transportation in Greece.
  • To reduce charges at all airports in Greece, an action that will result in the increase of passenger traffic and benefit the final consumer of the airlines, the Airports and the National Economy from the tourism industry.
  • The Board integration of businesses that represent airlines that do not fly to Greece, but their services are provided here and are used in conjunction with other companies, so that the union acquires a stronger entity and representation.

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